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From Katie Zelaya, Latino Student Union

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Period 4 (Latino Literature): Week Two, gods go begging

Answer two of the following three questions about chapter 9:

1) Who is Cassandra? How and/or why is she important? Explain.

2) On page 197, Vea writes "America had fully expected to win without suffering, without loss. The boys on the hill knew differently. The American Dream -- the two-bedroom house with a white picket fence -- had always been built on a graveyard. It had always been built at the expense of the Huron Nation, at the expense of the bison, and at the expense of the Vietnamese. It had always been built on a hill."
What is Vea's argument? Explain.

3)What is the significance of the tattoo on Vo Dahn's back? Explain your response.


  1. 1)Cassandra is a infamous lady, with a plethora of aliases in the past years. Apparently she was a whore for the "Thai guards", from what she told Guillermo Calavera, whom was in the U.S Army in Vietnam. She also had an affair with Vo Dahn

    2)Vea's argument is that even though the giant propaganda machine from America known as the "media" was pumping bias information to there daily listeners and viewers, the people who really knew what was going on were the kids who were sent to die for our freedom and the "American Dream" when all along it was a lie. They knew one thing, "It's called the American Dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it" -George Carlin

    3)"He did not respond but turned his back to the mirror, then twisted his neck and upper body to inspect the wonderful tattoo that he had never seen. He nodded silently, then winced as he tightened the belt around his wound"
    Now don't get me wrong, I've read through the chapter, but this is the only reference to the tattoo on Vo Dahn's back, which is pretty cryptic and apocryphal if you ask me

  2. 1) Cassandra is a lady that lived in lies in her past years. She was also a whore for the Thai Guards and she had an affair with Vo Dahn. She is important because she is helping Vo Dahn remembering who he is and/or who he was.
    3)The significance of the tatto on Vo Dahn's back is about a little boy with polio it inspired Cassandra to make the tatto in Vo Dahn's back it was her first tatto that she had ever made.

  3. 1)Casandra was a woman that probably has a dead husband but had an affair with a guy named Vo Dahn(William), she is trying to help him remember his life with her and in doing that she told him how she was a whore to Thia guards to save those little girls. Explaining how Vo Dahn kept hope in every bad situation.

    3)The tattoo was the first that Casandra ever made helped by an old Laotian woman, what inspired her was one of the stories that Vo Dahn(William, Guillermo) told her. It was about a little boy with polio and how the little boy is like God.

  4. 1)Cassandra was a thai whore in thencamps and met william and named him Vo Dahn which means nameless, shes important because although they were having an affair she hoped for him to remember his past which she helps by helping him remember the past 5 years theyve known each other and 3 years theyve been "togeher".

    2) what vea seems to attempt to say is that what we percieve as the american dream and freedom comes at the price of those who have died , the boys on the hill shows innocence of those young ones that gave their life for us to have that American dream and how many expected us to have what we have at little cost but in realitythe anerican dream is based on death built on a graveyard of the innocent for property and american greed for the so called "American Dream".

  5. 1. Cassandra is Vo Dahn's lover which she has tried to help him rocover his memory for 5 years. They met in a refugee camp where she had to be a whore in order to keep the younger girls safe. She is important because like William/Guillermo/Vo Dahn, she had been living a life of aliases. They both have had to hide their true identities in order to fit into society.
    2.Vea is trying to argue that all these "American Dreams" that soldiers are promised in order to enroll, are pretty much lies. The thousands of soldiers that go to fight in the war are either killed or come back home to a place or society that they don't even recognize anymore. A place where they can't find a job and all they know is the military. The hill that Vea refers to is a place associated with death. All of that is left on that hill, where the American public knows nothing of it.

  6. 1)Cassandra is a women who has so many names in different languages such as Thai and Chinese. She surrendered her body to the Thai guards because if not they would have taken the little girls instead.Cassandra is essential because she helps reveals the lies of VoDahn's life. She also identifies VoDahn's life and her life together is not a lie.Unfortunaelty without each other their whole life is a lie but their life together as one is complete.

    3)The story behind Vo Dahn's tattoo is the story of insects and a boy who had polio. An old Laotian lady helped Cassandra with the tattoo and suprisingly it was her first tattoo she has ever made.

  7. 1)Cassandra is described as a lady who lives with lies in the past few years. She gives up her body to the Thai guards so they wouldn’t take the little girls and is having an affair with Vo Dahn. She is important because she is helping Vo Dahn
    remembering who he was.

    3)The significance of the tatto on Vo Dahn’s back is a little boy who had polio it also can seem as a god. An old Laotuian lady helped Cassandra with the tatto it was her first tatto she ever made.

  8. 1)Cassandra is a chaplain for the U.S Army in Vietnam, and a whore from the Thai guards. Cassandra has an affair with Vo Dahn she tries to help Vo Dahn remember who he is and about their relationship.
    3)Vo Dahn's back tattoo is a little boy with polio,it was made by Cassandra and an old lady helped.

  9. 1) Casandra's a lady who is a whore for Thai guards & who had also had an affair with Vo Dahn who she is very important also because she is intending to help Vo Dahn remember through thier past life expiriences.

    3) The significance of the tattoo on Vo Dahn's back represents a little boy with polio , who an old lady helped Cassandra with the tattoo which made it her first tattoo making.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. 1) Cassandra was a whore for the “Thai guards”, she also had an affair with Vo Dahn while she was still helping him recover his memory. She is an important character because if it wasn’t for her Vo Dahn wouldn’t have anybody to help him recover his memory back.
    2)Vea's argument is to refer to the soldiers that are given false hopes, Americans were expecting to win the war without that losing their soldiers, they were taught how to fight like raging beasts but they really weren’t expecting the war to be such a nightmare. Vea is also arguing that war is death, and every soldier that stepped on that hill might as well been declared dead already.

  12. 1.)Cassandra is Vo Dahns lover, she has been trying to help him recover his memory for years. They met in a refugee camp in Thon Buri, Thailand. She was a whore for the Thai guards. She surrendered her body so that they wouldnt do anything to the little girls. She is now a maid and he is a taxi driver. They both have been living a lie and she tried to justify it using him.

    2.) Vea is arguing that the soldiers are the ones that knew exactly how hard it was to fight that war. The people in the outside and who were informed by the media thought otherwise. They had no clue as to what the soldiers were really going through in order to fight for our country. He is saying that the media was all a lie and had the people of our country blinded from the real problems going on. The way the American Dream was being portrayed was a lie.

  13. 1.)Cassandra is the woman who is having an affair with Vo Dahn. She was a whore for the “Thai Guards” she did this so that they wouldn’t take the little girls instead. She’s important because without her, Vo Dahn wouldn’t have anyone to help him recover his memory.

    3.)The tattoo on Vo Dahn’s back represents a little boy who had polio. Cassandra did the tattoo with the help of an old woman and it was also the first one she had ever made.

  14. 1.) Cassandra was a whore for the Thai guards. She's known Vo Dahn since 5 years; and named him Vo Dahn meaning "nameless" because he forgot his own named. Cassandra had an affair with Vo Dahn while she helped him recover his memory. She is important because she's helping Vo Dahn remember who he was and about their relationship.

    3.) The significance of the tattoo on Vo Dahn's back is that it represents a little boy with polio, a story that Vo Dahn once told her. It was the first tattoo that Cassandra ever made with the help of an old Laotian woman. The boy was like God.

  15. 1. Cassandra is Vo Dahn's lover. She was a whore for Thai guards and most likely has a dead husband. She tries to help Vo Dahn (Guillermo) remember who he is and understand his current situation.
    2. Vea's argument on page 197 was that America at home expected to win without losing anything. When in truth only the white America wins while everyone else loses. They have not suffered any loss and they are the reason so many have suffered loss. Vea says that the "American Dream... was built on a graveyard", it's true, many Native Americans and other colored nationalities along with animals have died so some people could have more comfortable lives.

  16. 1. cassandra is a thai whore who was involved with the guards and had an affair with vo dahn. she is important because she helps vo dahn remember.
    3. the tattoo was the first cassandra ever made and its for the little boy who suffered from polio.

  17. 1}Cassandra is the lady in other better words a whore for the guard and also have an affair with Vo Dahn.She is important because she is the one who helps "NAMELESS" get his memory back.
    3} The significance of Vo Dahn's tattoo is that it was the first tattoo that Casandra ever made and it meant a lot because it represent a kid who suffered from polio.

  18. 2) Vea's argument was that soldiers were given false hope and that soldiers were the only men who knew how hard it was to fight in the war. The argument was also about how these men risked their lives for the "American Dream", or what was perceived as the way of life back than and til this day.
    3)The tattoo contained significance becau8se it was the first tattoo Casandra did. It meant to much to her due to the fact it represented the child who suffered from polio.

  19. 1)Cassandra is described as Guillermo’s lover. She is married but her husband is in war, she knows that he’s dead. She loves the chaplain but she feels that now that he’s remembering stuff, their affair is over. They were together for almost 5 years. Cassandra is important because she’s the only person that they described in the chaplain’s life. She tells the chaplain that he was a very happy man two years before, so this could mean that he really didn’t remember anything and that Cassandra was important to him.

    2)Vea’s argument means that America expected to fight and not have that many deaths as results of the war. They expected to have a nice home but unfortunately the boys always ended up in a graveyard. America would tell the boys about the American Dream but the boy clearly knew that not one of them would get that far. That American Dream, that nice house, was always built on a graveyard, in that hill.

  20. 1. Cassandra and Vo Dahn met in a refugee camp where she was being a whore for the Thai guards so that they wouldn’t take advantage of the little girls. She was also having an affair with him and Cassandra is important because she is helping Vo Dahn get his memory back.

    2. Vea is arguing that the U.S always expects to win every war and that the whole idea of living the “American Dream” was false and built on the defeat of others. Also the way that the media portrayed the American dream to be wasn’t exactly how it actually was. The ones that new exactly how it was were the soldiers out fighting for this “American Dream”. I think this kind of goes back to when Jesse was talking about how he became friends with the enemy and found out things that the media in the U.S wasn’t showing.

  21. 1) Cassandra is said to be a whore from the Thai guards and apparently she gives up her body to the Thai guards so that they wouldnt take the little girls. She is also having an affair with Vo Dahn. She is important because she is helping Vo Dahn remember who he is or was.

    3) the tattoo on Vo Dahn'sback is very significant. It was the first tattoo that Cassandra ever made with the help of an old Laotian woman. The tattoo was very important because it represented a little boy with polio and it explained how this little boy looked or was like God, and what had inspired this tattoo was one of the stories that Vo Dahn had told Cassndra

  22. 1. Cassandra is known to be a whore for the Thai guards in order for them to not take the little girls away. Also she is known for having an affair with Vo Danhn and being the only person in his life. Cassandra is trying to help him get his memory back.

    3. The tattoo on Vo Dahn's back signifies the first tattoo that Cassandra made. It also represents to him a boy who had polio and somehow was like a "God".

  23. THANK YOU FOR POSTING. The window for Week Two is now closed. Happy New Year!
