Welcome! It's Time to Get Your English On!

This blogspot will serve as a common source of communication, updates, information, and reflection. Look to it throughout the rest of our year together for important assignments and thought-provoking links. While at times you will be required to visit and post to this site, you may also feel free to pose a question to our class as a whole, and to whomever else might view our page. Please limit comments to those pertaining to our class topics and related discussion.

From Katie Zelaya, Latino Student Union

Friday, January 8, 2010

Post It Here

Dear Lovely Period Five Students:

If you are having trouble posting to your group member's blogs, then post your response to their blog HERE. Just put:

To So-and-So:
asl;kdfjlaksjdflkajsdfjkaljkg <--- (your response)

They have not properly enabled their blog to receive posts from people with Google accounts.

Please also note:
I have attached the rubric for this assignment to the page. Take some time to look at it before Monday! Good luck.
I will only check this site again on Saturday, January 10th in the morning.


  1. Hey Ms. Ros!
    Love The Page!
    The Book Was So Good!!!!
    I loved it! Specially the ending!

  2. hi ms. rozmiarek, as far as the question you had for me, well i think that el pachuco can be both nature and psychology because when the odds are against a person, most would probably bring any hopes down for winning, causing the person to not try at all, but at the same time pride can be a big problem when el pachuco allows pride to take over him. Pride does not allow el pachuco to receive any help because pride can consist of doing things alone and keeping to the way a person is, in this case, staying to the Pachuco style.

    If i misunderstood your question, I have an answer to my question on Bryanna's page, (Latino Lit Ese) and there is what i think of my question

  3. To Karina from Magaly:

    Scene 7:
    I agree with you by i also liked this same scene but i have never seen both Henry nor Alice as liars. That part of your post is confusing.

    Also to answer your question i believe that Henry never told Alice that he was in solitary, one being that fact that he did not have that privilege and also i guess he was mad at her and every one else. I figure he just hated everyone while he was there and that he blamed everyone for everything.

  4. To Karina (Scene 6):

    I was confused too with the argument between the Press in Pachuco, because i thought the Press only represented the Prosecution in the courtroom. But then i realized that it probably represented everyone that was against them, even the public.

  5. to: Yolanda from: Julia
    (i kept having trouble with this website..and i think i got the hang of it kinda?)
    I Didn't really expect Henry to die..specially that way. I also thought that Henry was a real brave person, but as well I also thought that he knew what was coming his way. Henry knew that everything was over (at least for him). Everyone wanted him to be gone, like Chacon21 said :"cops,press,etc" were still after him. regardless

  6. To: Angel from Julia

    I am not able to post comments on Angels page..

    Alice in Wonderland:
    I think you confused me to start with!
    I don't understand your understanding of the scene. but i do agree with you that it is confusing and surprising the relationship that Henry and Alice form together, especially becasue the way that they had started off.
    Henry didn't trust Alice at all. He didn't trust anyone, and now him and Alice had became so close,

  7. Ms.Roz,
    I'm having trouble posting to my class mates page.....I'm stuck but trying to figure it out. However, I didn't have a problem posting my response to week 1 question(S).

  8. Group Members,
    I'm having trouble adding you as a friend. I don't believe some of you have created a blog. Greg Edison is the only person I was able to locate and invite to be my friend. For all other group members please provide me with your blog page info.

  9. To my group members,
    These are my thoughts on week 1- Persephone sisters deal with her death in a calm and unusual way. I say it was unusual because of the way they began handling her death by bathing and moiturizing her body as if she was still alive. However, they accepted her death and treated her as if she was still living. I found it unusual for them to bathe and moisture their sister body because often times when a person passes away the Mortuary people handles and take care of the body. And I'm sure they don't bathe or moisturize the body before dressing it. But yet this an interesting and significant ritual that was perform by them. They wanted to not only remember their sister and her life, but also the things she once did when she was alive. Great Chapter
