Welcome! It's Time to Get Your English On!

This blogspot will serve as a common source of communication, updates, information, and reflection. Look to it throughout the rest of our year together for important assignments and thought-provoking links. While at times you will be required to visit and post to this site, you may also feel free to pose a question to our class as a whole, and to whomever else might view our page. Please limit comments to those pertaining to our class topics and related discussion.

From Katie Zelaya, Latino Student Union

Monday, March 7, 2011

AP Language and Composition Independent Reading

Congratulations! You are nearly done with your first independent literature circle non-fiction text! (Say that five times fast.)

Post any queries, problems, issues or musings about your text, the process, or any technical difficulties here.

I look forward to your presentations with joy in my heart!